Tuesday, November 10, 2009

tonight's meeting

Hilltown 4H Meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 10th

7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

We will welcome in our new officers with the official 4H candlelight ceremony.
Drew and Jack will be kicking off the Hilltown 4H teams.

We will be concentrating on our support of Tony Polichetti's army squad serving in Iraq. We will be making cards and taking pictures for Tony Polichetti's squad in Iraq. At the last meeting we gave everyone a list of donations you can bring, that we'll send over to the soldiers.

They really need: aspirin (advil, tylenol, aleve, aspirin), snacks (all sorts, not candy), scotch tape, pencils-pens-pencil sharpeners, and soft toilet paper.

Please bring to the meeting all of your BonTon fundraiser money and leftover coupon books. We need to account for all of it to BonTon. Thanks to everyone who volunteered on that rainy Saturday.

Hold the dates:
We will be baking dozen-and-dozens of dinner rolls for the Zion Mennonite Church's Table of Plenty Thanksgiving meal. Our annual, marathon cooking session is Wednesday, Nov. 25th, 9 a.m. to about 1 p.m. All info will be available at the meeting. http://www.zionmennonite.org/tableofplenty.html

The December meeting is the presentation of our Drama Club's play. We will be meeting at a special date and time - Wednesday, December 9th at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church in Bedminster, 6:45 PM. If everyone could bring a desert or snack to enjoy after the play that would be great. We will have a short meeting before starting the play.


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